Brooklyn NYC Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway Repair Contractors


    Brooklyn NYC Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway Repair Contractors IN Brooklyn NY

    Reasons for Cracked Concrete

    Concrete is one of the most durable materials for sidewalks and driveways but it is not uncommon for it to crack. Sometimes only a few months into placement. In such a case, as a property owner, of course, you are bound to doubt the quality of the work done. However, strong, crack resistant concrete sidewalk does not just happen by accident. It all starts with the mixture and placement. But even with properly mixed and installed concrete, it is almost impossible to find a concrete surface bare of a simple crack. Although some cracks are big, look terrible, and can be hazardous.

    There are a few main and common reasons for a concrete sidewalk or a driveway to crack. One common mistake is when  contractor uses too much water in the cement mixture. Concrete does not require too much water, yet many unskilled concrete sidewalk contractors add more water than needed just because it is easier to pour into hard to reach places. The water in excess greatly reduced the strength of the cement sidewalk. When water evaporates, concrete starts to dry and shrink which causes your sidewalk to crack without proper hardening.

    The second most common mistake is when the concrete starts to rapidly dry. The reaction that takes place during the mixture of cement and the water requires not only the right proportions of each, but also the right amount of time to harden. Reaction takes place for several days and sometimes weeks so fast drying causes cracks as well.

    There are two environments to control when working with the cement sidewalks and driveways. One is the understanding of the particular layer of soil underneath the sidewalk and material to use. Another, is the weather conditions which play important role when working with concrete. So, before you let anyone replace or install a sidewalk, make sure you are dealing with the right concrete company in nyc.

    NYC Licensed Concrete Repair Company

    Brooklyn Sidewalk Repairs and Installations Pros have experience with both environments. We had adapted to all seasons and know exactly how to repair sidewalk under any weather conditions in Brooklyn. When we work on the project, we approach it with the utmost care to ensure we can deliver our customers quality they deserved.

    For all your sidewalk and concrete problems, we offer the best solutions. We have years of experience in Concrete Sidewalk Repair, Sidewalk Lifting, Concrete Crack Repair, Sidewalk Mudjacking, Concrete Driveway Repair, and Concrete Sidewalk Leveling. Not only do we employ skilled labor, but we also use modern equipment to get the job done fast and efficiently. 

    NYC DOT Concrete Repairs

    In Brooklyn, any damaged concrete sidewalk or driveway adjacent to your property, is a responsibility as the property owner to fix. Dot carries out inspections throughout the whole city and if it deems a private property sidewalk or driveway used by the public defective, it issues a notice of violation to the property owner. After which the individual has 75 days to fix the defect otherwise they would be fined. The 75 days begin the moment you receive the notice of violation.

    These notices are often delivered by mail or posted directly on the property. The posting date indicates the beginning of the 75 days.In some instances, dot can repair the defect or hire a contractor to do it and then DOF (the department of finance) bills the property owner for the cost of the repair. This program is called expedited repair. However, some properties are not eligible for expedited repair. These include commercial properties, properties scheduled for reconstruction, properties requiring distinctive sidewalk treatment, or properties with more than four residential units.

    If you are not satisfied with the quality of the work done by dot, or you disagree with the accuracy of the bill or the amount of work done, you could make an appeal with DDC (the department of design and construction). To do so, first, you have to write to the DDC office. The DDC address and other information can be found at the back of the notice of violation. In the letter, you should clearly state the Nature of the Disagreement. Appeals to DDC must be in writing. Personal visits and telephone calls are not considered appeals.